Saturday, February 28, 2009

Group Three

Group Two results: i got 3 right again and 1 wrong...again...euwww, why my fav girl contestants are all out. Another 3 into the top 12 are Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen, and Adam Lambert. OK...i don't really have any fav in group here's my guess who will be in the top 12...btw...Adam Lambert sounds like a guy Fantasia...that screeching thing annoys me

Von Smith, 22 years old, this is the guy! A really really big voice! So big! He shouts in all of his performance, which can be a little annoying, but nice. I really like his version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

Lil Rounds, 23 years old, since Jasmine Murray is out...Lil Rounds is the next choice for this season Melinda, Syesha, Tamyra. Another girl with the huge voice. If she's in the top 12, i don't even think she can win...i'm just guessing since it's been a tradition on Idol.

Ju'Not Joyner, 26 years old, ok since this group contestant is kinda boring, i'm not gonna waste my time thrashing people from this group, Ju'Not, euw, not my idle finalist on Idol, if he makes it into the top 12 i think he will be the first to leave.

Arianna Afsar, 16 years old, hmmm, i don't remember her during the auditions, contestant who are forgettable will end up...forgotten...poor girl, i really don't remember seeing her during Hollywood Week.

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