I recently finished watching the Korean television drama series on KBS World - titled Birth Of A Rich Man, also known as Becoming A Millionaire. I tweeted about this series a while back ago. The series stars Lee Bo-Yeong as Lee Shin-Mi, she also starred in The Partner, another KBS series that I blogged about last year.
The story revolves around Choi Seok Bong who is looking for his billionaire father, who doesn't know his existence. The problem is the Seok Bong doesn't know who his rich father is either. He works as a bellboy in a luxurious hotel hoping to find his father there.
Seok Bong practices the elegant lifestyles of the rich in the hotel so that he will be a qualified billionaire heir when he finds his father. Seok Bong was told that he is diagnosed with cancer, obviously without enough money for medical treatment, Seok Bong relies on billionaire Oh-Sung Group's heiress Lee Shin-Mi who is also known as the notorious penny-pincher!
Self proclaimed as Lee Shin-Mi rival - Bu-Ho Group's heiress Bu Tae-Hee is a supporting character in the series, which made the series really entertaining and comedic throughout the series! Tae-Hee is a spoiled child who always spent her dads' money without even have to lift a finger to work, Tae-Hee is in love Frontier Group heir Choo Woon-Seok since high school, but Woon-Seok is always buying gifts for Shin-Mi, which always upsets the easily emotional Tae-Hee, Woon-Seok has a hidden motive for wanting Shin-Mi as his girlfriend.
Bu Tae-Hee always make funny looks and faces throughout the series which is really really really funny...which made me laugh uncontrollably. Check out the pictures below!
Actress Lee Si-Yeong made the character really entertaining, I wonder if there's any person that's so crazy walking around on the streets...LOL