Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Outcome of the Advanced War

I'm so relieved, as one of my friend describe the feeling "finally the fart came out"...LOL. For me, "my shoulder doesn't feel so heavy"...for now.

My 1st Advanced Diploma final exam results was released today, i'm a little disappointed but really relieved. I passed everything, including the horrible research paper...i was so worried that my answers are wrong for that mystery question, it seems those answers was correct.

As usual, i got B- for all the KFJ related subject AGAIN. Why do i always get B- for her paper? Ugh. There's no A for me for last semester subjects...i got straight B's. I'm also surprised that Ms Narciss didn't get any A =.=" I should be happy that i don't have to go through those stuff again...especially TMJ stuff

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