Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Since there's so many muggles that can't pronounce my name (nQw) properly...especially the Q...ugh...even my parents told me to get an English name...my brother has one...and i don't have one...

Before i tell you the few names i have in mind...let me tell you the weird, bombastic names i get from my teachers, lecturers, tutor, people, friends, over the years...Kuih, Quek, Kue, Cho, Fa, Flower, and many many more with weird pronunciation...i don't even know how to spell it out.

Sometimes the lecturer pauses when they read my name...N....and stop...and trying to figure out how to pronounce the Q...ugh...i don't even know if sometimes when they call my name in the class, my friends have to tell me..."ei, the lecturer is calling you"...and i was like "that don't even sound like my name"...ugh...the horror

So...I've narrowed down to a few names...but i'm still having doubts over these names...
  1. Timothy
  2. Filmore
  3. Torley
  4. Gregson
  5. Oliver
  6. Kipp
  7. Lang
  8. Lester
  9. Rawly?!
I don't really know which to choose...i think some(maybe all) don't really fit me...Torley sounds abit gay to me...ugh...i don't know...LOL...might choose from these 5...or until i think of new ones...suggestions?


あきこ said...

well, i certainly would not go for: timothy, torley, oliver, lang, lester.

why i did not object to:
2. Filmore - special name, since its sounds unique.
4. Gregson - i dont think its suitable, better you shorten it to 'Greg' coz people are not gonna call you in full name.
6. Kipp - short and simple. XD
9. Rawly - please change the spelling! original should be 'Raleigh' but you can choose Riley or anything but Rawly. =__=

i like Riley Ng.

Riley Ng.



Riley Ng.

nQw said...

actually i was considering Oliver...OliveRRRRRRR

i like the RRRRRRRRRRR...lol

Riley sounds nice too...omg...which ONE???

i like Filmore and Kipp too...but chinese Kipp actually can mean "Keep Skin"...so better not

I can't decide yet...OMG

あきこ said...

SFA said get David. David Ng. hmmmm...

but i say, Riley also got rrrrrrrr.



nQw said...

LOL...David? naming myself after my Idol?? that's a little weird...

Considering Riley...Riley? really?

If it's Oliver, it will be Oliver Lang/Lee nQw, LOL...5 words

or Riley Lang nQw?? LOL

MM said...

Zac nQw!! wow. sounds so handsome. XD

nQw said...

LOL...Zac Efron?

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