Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mass Migration of Stingray at the Gulf of Mexico

There will be no American Idol report today, so instead of another lip-sync post, i got some really interesting picture of "nature". You don't get to see sights like that in your everyday life.

Did you know: American Idol is not the only interest of nQw, marine life fascinates him a lot! He loves watching Discovery, National Geographic, Animal Planet programs about marine life!

The pictures was taken at the Gulf of Mexico, looking like a giant leaves floating in the sea, thousands of Golden Rays are spotted gathering off the coast of Mexico.The scene was captured as the creatures made one of their biannual mass migrations to more agreeable waters.

Gliding silently beneath the waves, they turned vast blue water to gold of the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula.You have to be at the right time and the right place to experience nature at its best. Golden Rays are also known as cow-nose rays because of they have pointed pectoral fins that separate into two lobes in front of their high doomed heads which gives them a cow like appearance. Despite having poisonous stingers, they are known to be shy and non threatening when in large schools.Courtesy of Sandra C.


あきこ said...

that is really a MASS migration. i can just imagine the star as a mass media, how many people saw my *cough*photo*cough*. XD

nQw said...

More than a million?...LOL

Don't count on 90% TARCians...they don't read the Star

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