Sunday, June 21, 2009

December 21, 2012

I remembered when i was in high school, one teacher would always come into the classroom and talk about God, and the end of the world...we called him Mr. Alex...

He always warn us about when the world would end, he did give us a year, i could not remember the year he mentioned...but the year he said the world would end is just around the corner, the students will live long enough to witness it if it really happens...

Personally, i find it quite disturbing that a teacher warn his students something like that in a classroom...i'm the kind that panics over little things...and when he said something like that...

I was still in high paranoia level is still low, so i didn't freak out like i'm freaking over "the thing" now...i actually told my current classmates that this "thing" could be a sign of apocalypse...and what Mr Alex said...that the end of the world is around the corner, i could not remember the year...i just remembered the year he said was not beyond 2020...because i was studying history and Malaysia had this 2020 Vision thing...i then said...hey...this vision thing is not going to happen...

Then when i was surfing around the net...found a Chinese fortune telling article called I-Ching, which i don't really understand...didn't read much...i read a little, The Book Of Changes, Confucius, reminded me of Tamadun Asia...weird elements, earth, wind, water, ying & yang...i didn't really understand...i think i don't understand it at all...

Then it lead me to some website that people created to focus on Earth "expiry date" which is the this post title...according to "The Mayan Prophecy" that December 21, 2012 would be Earth expiry's just a prophecy...i googled the mayan prophecy and it has nothing to do with any God...but i read something about Heaven...

I came across a really long article...i read a little...something about the galaxy allignment, the earth year's a part that's interesting...

The Mayan 5th world ended in 1987. The 6th world starts in 2012. So we're currently in between worlds. This time is called apocalypse or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also our time to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively. The Mayan 6th world is actually blank. This means is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating a new civilization and new world we want.

The Bible Code, now something that i can relate to what Mr Alex said...i don't remember what he said...but in chapter Revelation 16:8-9 page 878, (i'm reading the Bible now) The Fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plaugues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. (This is one of the seven angels that poured God's Seven Bowls of Wrath) the last bowl is going to caused a terrible earthquake, the cities will spilt into 3 parts...and will collapsed...i wonder why the Bible uses past tense...this is just a small part of Revelation...

There's many many more articles, codes, prophecies, i could not digest so much in a short period of time...whew...but i think we should remember this date...kinda scary...if the Bible Code is true...and if it really will be really ugly...imagine people dying of heat, and the land spilting into parts, lightning, every living thing in the sea will be dead...OMG...i won't be nice...there won't be any place to run or hide

Another article i read is something about Planet X, the government is buiding underground bases and bunkers, it seems they're preparing for this day, but it won't fit the entire human more here if you're interested...i find it really depressing

If this really happens...why can't it end in a nicer a flash or blink, everything dissapears...ok ok...i won't get carried away...but's like in 3 years time...i hope i don't get any weird dreams tonight...ugh

This post is totally random and i find it weird that i'm posting this...totally not American Idol and have no entertainment value (makes people sad and depress)...i'm actually considering to post Bleach characters profile in my blog...but i need to do a little more research and reconsider before doing so...


6irard said...

I share your paranoia, but probably not as much as you do ;)

Anyway, I don't want to scare you or anything, but if you could Google '2012' and click on the Wikipedia page, you might see stuff you don't want to see. Like I said, I don't want to scare you: it's just a piece of information I am sharing. How you take it is entirely up to you.

BTW, the past tense in the Bible passage: it's because God revealed these events to John (one of the apostles, and author of the book Revelations) and then he wrote an account for what he saw (the book of Revelations itself). Hence the past tense.

6irard said...

Oh yea, since you reminded me of it, you might want to see the upcoming movie 2012. I just saw the new trailer, and I think you should too.

Official movie site:

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